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AbstractStructuredOutput - Class in sirius.kernel.xml
Basic implementation of StructuredOutput, taking care of all output independent boilerplate code.
AbstractStructuredOutput() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
AbstractStructuredOutput.Element - Class in sirius.kernel.xml
Used by internal bookkeeping, to close elements property
AbstractStructuredOutput.ElementType - Enum in sirius.kernel.xml
Types used by internal bookkeeping
AbstractStructuredOutput.TagBuilder - Class in sirius.kernel.xml
accept(T) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.DataCollector
accept(T) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.ValueHolder
add(Promise<?>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Barrier
Adds a promise to the barrier which will be waited for.
add(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Adds the given number to this, if other is not empty.
add(T) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.DataCollector
Adds a value to the collector
add(int, T) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.PriorityCollector
Adds the given entity with the given priority.
add(long) - Method in class
Adds the given delta to the counter.
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.DataCollector
Adds all values of the given collection to the collector
addAttribute(String, String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput.TagBuilder
Adds an attribute to the tag
addDefault(T) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.PriorityCollector
Adds the given entity with the default priority.
addHandler(String, NodeHandler) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLReader
Registers a new handler for a qualified name of a node.
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLCall
Adds a custom header field to the call
addNanos(long) - Method in class
addParameter(String, Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.URLBuilder
Adds a parameter to the url.
addParameter(String, Object, boolean) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.URLBuilder
Adds a parameter to the url.
addPart(String...) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.URLBuilder
Adds a path part to the url.
addToMDC(String, String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Adds a value to the mapped diagnostic context.
addToMDC(String, Supplier<String>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Adds a value to the mapped diagnostic context.
addTranslation(String, String, boolean) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Translation
Adds a translation for the given language.
addValue(long) - Method in class
Adds the given value to the set of values on which the average is based.
addValue(double) - Method in class
Adds the given value to the set of values on which the average is based.
addValues(long, double) - Method in class
Adds the given number of values to the counter and increments the sum by the given delta.
addVariable(String, String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.ConfigBuilder
Adds a variable to the config.
addWatchedResource(URL, Runnable) - Method in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
Adds the given file to the list of watched resources in DEVELOP mode (Sirius.isDev().
AdvancedDateParser - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
A flexible parser which can parse dates like DD.MM.YYYY or YYYY/DD/MM along with some computations.
AdvancedDateParser(String) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.AdvancedDateParser
Creates a new parser for the given language to use.
AdvancedDateParser.DateSelection - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Combines the parsed text along with the effective date (as Calendar).
afterFirst(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the substring of the internal value starting right after the first occurrence of the given separator.
afterLast(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the substring of the internal value starting right after the last occurrence of the given separator.
Amount - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Provides a wrapper around BigDecimal to perform "exact" computations on numeric values.
append(String, Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns a value which wraps this + separator + value If the current value is empty, the given value is returned (without the separator).
apply(String, Object...) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Formats the given pattern string format with the given arguments.
apply(K) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.commons.ValueSupplier
Computes or fetches the value for the given key.
apply(String, Object...) - Method in interface
Formats the given string by replacing all parameters with the given columns.
applyDeveloperConfig(Config) - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Applies the developer configuration to the given config object.
applyTestConfig(Config) - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Applies the test configuration to the given config object.
applyTestScenarioConfig(String, Config) - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Loads the configuration of the current test scenario which will overwrite the settings in test.conf.
applyTo(ScriptContext) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
Writes all parameters into the given ScriptContext
areEqual(double, double) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Doubles
Determines if the given numbers are equal.
areEqual(Object, Object) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Compares the given Strings just like String.compareTo(String) but with graceful handling for null values.
array(String, String, Collection<?>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
array(String, Collection<E>, BiConsumer<StructuredOutput, E>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
array(String, String, Collection<?>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredOutput
Outputs the given collection as array.
array(String, Collection<E>, BiConsumer<StructuredOutput, E>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredOutput
Outputs the given collection as array while using the given arrayConsumer to generate the array contents.
as(Class<A>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Composable
as(Class<A>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Transformable
Adapts this into the given adapterType.
as(Class<N>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Returns the underlying node casted to the given type.
asBoolean(boolean) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Converts the wrapped value to a boolean or returns the given defaultValue if no conversion is possible.
asBoolean() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Boilerplate method for asBoolean(false)
asDateString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.AdvancedDateParser.DateSelection
Returns a string representation of this DateSelection without any information about the time of day for the parsed date.
asDateTimeString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.AdvancedDateParser.DateSelection
Returns a string representation of this DateSelection including the time information.
asDecimal() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Converts a percent value into a decimal fraction i.e. 34 % to 0.34 Effectively this is this / 100
asDouble(double) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the double value for the wrapped value or defaultValue if the wrapped value isn't a double and cannot be converted to one.
asEnum(Class<E>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Converts the wrapped value to an enum constant of the given clazz.
asFuture() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Barrier
Generates a new Future which completes if the las added promise completes or if any one of those fails.
asInstant(Instant) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the wrapped value as Instant or defaultValue if the wrapped value cannot be converted.
asInstantOfEpochMillis(Instant) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Converts the wrapped number into an Instant by assuming the number represents a "unix timestamp" in milliseconds.
asInstantOfEpochSeconds(Instant) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Converts the wrapped number into an Instant by assuming the number represents a "unix timestamp" in seconds.
asInt(int) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the int value for the wrapped value or defaultValue if the wrapped value isn't an integer and cannot be converted to one.
asLocalDate(LocalDate) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the wrapped value as LocalDate or defaultValue if the wrapped value cannot be converted.
asLocalDateTime(LocalDateTime) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the wrapped value as LocalDateTime or defaultValue if the wrapped value cannot be converted.
asLocalDateTimeOfEpochMillis(LocalDateTime) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Converts the wrapped number into LocalDateTime by assuming the number represents a "unix timestamp" in milliseconds.
asLocalDateTimeOfEpochSeconds(LocalDateTime) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Converts the wrapped number into LocalDateTime by assuming the number represents a "unix timestamp" in seconds.
asLocalTime(LocalTime) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the wrapped value as LocalTime or defaultValue if the wrapped value cannot be converted.
asLong(long) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the long value for the wrapped value or defaultValue if the wrapped value isn't a long and cannot be converted to one.
asOptional(Class<T>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Boilerplate for Optional.ofNullable(get(type, null)).
asOptionalInt() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the internal value wrapped as Optional while expecting it to be an integer number.
asOptionalString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the internal value wrapped as Optional.
asPredicate() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Limit
Converts the limit into a predicate.
asRomanNumeral(int) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Tries to convert the wrapped value to a roman numeral representation This only works if the wrapped value can be converted to int and is >0 and <4000.
asSmartRoundedString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the wrapped data converted to a string like Value.asString() while "smart rounding" (NLS.smartRound(double) Double and BigDecimal values.
asString(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the wrapped data converted to a string or defaultValue if the wrapped value is null The conversion method used is NLS.toMachineString(Object)
asString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the wrapped data converted to a string or "" if the wrapped value is null The conversion method used is NLS.toMachineString(Object)
AsyncExecutor - Class in sirius.kernel.async
Represents an executor used by sirius to schedule background tasks.
AsyncInfoCommand - Class in
Console command which reports statistics for all known executors.
AsyncInfoCommand() - Constructor for class
asZonedDateTime(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the wrapped value as ZonedDateTime or defaultValue if the wrapped value cannot be converted.
at(int) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Values
Returns the element at the (zero based) index wrapped as Value If the index is out of the valid range for the wrapped elements, an empty value will be returned
at(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Values
Returns the element at the given column in "Excel style" notation.
attach(Class<? extends T>, T) - Method in class sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Composable
Adds the given component as instance for the given type.
attach(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Composable
Adds the given component as instance for its class.
Attribute - Class in sirius.kernel.xml
Used to pass in attributes when creating objects for a StructuredOutput.
AutoRegisterAction - Class in sirius.kernel.di.std
Handles the Register annotation.
AutoRegisterAction() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.di.std.AutoRegisterAction
Average - Class in
Represents an average value over a given set of values.
Average() - Constructor for class
Creates a new average which averages up to Average.DEFAULT_MAX_SAMPLES and then computes the effective avarage and resets the counter to 1 using that value.
Average(long) - Constructor for class
Creates a new average which averages up to maxSamples and then computes the effective avarage and resets the counter to 1 using that value.
avg - Variable in class
await() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Barrier
Waits until all previously added promises completed (either successfully or failed).
await(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Barrier
Waits until all previously added promises completed or the given timeout expires.
await(Duration) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Waits until the promise is completed.
awaitTermination() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
awaitTermination() - Method in class sirius.kernel.DockerHelper
awaitTermination() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.Killable
Called after Stoppable.stopped() has been called to wait until all tasks are fully finished.


Babelfish - Class in sirius.kernel.nls
Internal translation engine used by NLS.
Babelfish() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.nls.Babelfish
BackgroundLoop - Class in sirius.kernel.async
Represents a background worker which is constantly processing a set of tasks (if available).
BackgroundLoop() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.async.BackgroundLoop
backgroundLoopCompleted(String, String) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.async.Orchestration
Invoked once a BackgroundLoop completed it's work.
Barrier - Class in sirius.kernel.async
Provides a simple barrier to wait for the completion of a set of tasks represented by Barrier.
Barrier() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.async.Barrier
base - Variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
BasicTaskContextAdapter - Class in sirius.kernel.async
Default implementation for TaskContextAdapter
BasicTaskContextAdapter(TaskContext) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.async.BasicTaskContextAdapter
Creates a new BasicTaskContextAdapter for the given TaskContext.
beforeFirst(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the substring of the internal value containing everything up to the first occurrence of the given separator.
beforeLast(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the substring of the internal value containing everything up to the last occurrence of the given separator.
beginArray(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
beginArray(String) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredOutput
Starts an array with is added to the current object as "name".
beginObject(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
beginObject(String, Attribute...) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
beginObject(String) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredOutput
Starts a new object with the given name.
beginObject(String, Attribute...) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredOutput
Starts a new object with the given name and attributes
beginOutput(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
Starts the output with the given root element.
beginOutput(String, Attribute...) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
Starts the output with the given root element and attributes
beginResult() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredOutput
Starts the result with a default root element ("result").
beginResult(String) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredOutput
Starts the result by specifying the name of the root element.
beginResult() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
beginResult(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
blankLine() - Method in interface
Shortcut to print a new line.
BOMReader - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Wraps a given reader and removes a BOM (byte order mark) if present.
BOMReader(Reader) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.BOMReader
Creates a new reader wrapping the given one.
build() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput.TagBuilder
Finally creates the tag or object with the given name and attributes.
buildBegin(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
Creates a AbstractStructuredOutput.TagBuilder used to fluently create the root element.
buildObject(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
Creates a new object using the returned tag builder


Cache<K,V> - Interface in sirius.kernel.cache
Provides a cache which can be used to store and access values.
CacheCommand - Class in
Console command which reports statistics for all caches.
CacheCommand() - Constructor for class
CacheEntry<K,V> - Class in sirius.kernel.cache
Represents an entry of a Cache Such entries are created and managed by the cache implementation.
CacheEvictionTimer - Class in sirius.kernel.cache
Invoked regularly to remove outdated entries from the system caches.
CacheEvictionTimer() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEvictionTimer
CacheManager - Class in sirius.kernel.cache
Provides access to all managed caches Is responsible for creating new caches using CacheManager.createCache(String).
CachingSupplier<T> - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Uses the given supplier but caches the computed value after the first call to CachingSupplier.get().
CachingSupplier(Supplier<T>) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.CachingSupplier
Creates a new instance with the operation to delay.
Callback<T> - Interface in sirius.kernel.commons
Provides a simple callback which can be invoked with a value of the given type.
CallContext - Class in sirius.kernel.async
A CallContext is attached to each thread managed by sirius.
CallContext() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
callDelayed(String, long, Runnable) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.DelayLine
Queues the given task to be called after roughly the number of seconds given here.
cancel() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.BasicTaskContextAdapter
cancel() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Cancels the execution of this task.
cancel() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.async.TaskContextAdapter
Invoked if TaskContext.cancel() is called in the attached context.
cancelled - Variable in class sirius.kernel.async.BasicTaskContextAdapter
canContinue(char) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.commons.Trie.ContainmentIterator
Determines if the current path can be continued with the given character.
canGoBack() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.commons.Trie.ContainmentIterator
Determines if the iterator can backtrack.
canMake(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Transformers
Determines if the given object can be transformed into the given target type.
category - Variable in class
chain(Promise<V>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Chains this promise to the given one.
changedSinceLastCheck - Variable in class
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLReader
check() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.RateLimit
Checks whether the rate limit constraints permit another call or not.
ClassLoadAction - Interface in sirius.kernel.di
Implementations of this class will be automatically detected and applied to all matching classes on startup.
Classpath - Class in sirius.kernel
Retrieves a filtered list of resources in the classpath.
Classpath(ClassLoader, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.Classpath
Creates a new Classpath, scanning for component roots with the given name
CleanLogsTask - Class in
Automatically deletes old log files.
CleanLogsTask() - Constructor for class
cleanOldLogFiles(long) - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Invoked by Sirius itself on a regular basis to clean old log files.
clear() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Clears the complete cache
clear() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
clear() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Removes all entries from this map
close() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Operation
close() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.BOMReader
close() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.CSVWriter
close() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
Closes the underlying stream
coerce(Class<T>, T) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Converts or casts the wrapped object to the given targetClazz
Command - Interface in
Describes a command which is callable via the system console (http://localhost:9000/system/console).
Command.Output - Interface in
Encapsulates the output functionality used by commands to render their output.
ComparableTuple<F extends Comparable<F>,S> - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Provides a tuple of values where the key is used as comparator.
ComparableTuple(F, S) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.ComparableTuple
compareCustomizations(String, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Compares the two given customizations according to the order given in the system config.
compareTo(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Compares this amount against the given one.
compareTo(ComparableTuple<F, S>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.ComparableTuple
compareTo(Metric) - Method in class
compareTo(Extension) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
CompletionHandler<V> - Interface in sirius.kernel.async
Handler which can be attached to instances of Promise to be notified once a value is available or when the computation failed.
components - Variable in class sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Composable
Composable - Class in sirius.kernel.di.transformers
Provides a basic implementation fo Transformable which supports a composition pattern.
Composable() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Composable
Default constructor used, when Composable is used as parent class.
Composable(Object) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Composable
Provides a constructor which can be used to support the composition pattern.
compute(K) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.ValueComputer
Computes the value for the given key
computeIfNull(Supplier<Amount>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
If this actual number if empty, the given supplier is used to compute one.
ConfigBuilder - Class in sirius.kernel.settings
Provides functionality to build a config and generate formatted HOCON text.
ConfigBuilder() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.settings.ConfigBuilder
ConfigValue - Annotation Type in sirius.kernel.di.std
Reads the config value given in value and inserts in into the field, wearing this annotation.
ConfigValueAnnotationProcessor - Class in sirius.kernel.settings
AnnotationProcessor which handles the ConfigValue annotation.
ConfigValueAnnotationProcessor() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.settings.ConfigValueAnnotationProcessor
consoleLogFormat - Variable in class sirius.kernel.Setup
contains(K) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Checks if there is a cached entry for the given key
contains(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Checks if the given value is filled and contains the given needle in its string representation
containsKey(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
containsKey(CharSequence) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Trie
Determines if the given key is contained in the trie.
containsText(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Translation
Checks if the given filter is either contained in the key or in one of the translations
containsValue(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
Context - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Provides an execution context to scripts etc.
Context() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
context() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.di.Injector
Provides access to the global context, containing all parts This can also be loaded into a class field using the Part annotation and GlobalContext as field type.
convertDuration(long, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Converts a given time range in milliseconds to a human readable format using the current language
convertDuration(long) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Converts the given duration in milliseconds including seconds and milliseconds This is a boilerplate method for NLS.convertDuration(long, boolean, boolean) with includeSeconds and includeMillis set to true.
convertExcelColumn(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Values
Converts an "Excel Style" column name into a zero based index Therefore "A" will return 0.
convertJuliLevel(Level) - Static method in class
Converts a given java.util.logging.Level to a log4j level.
convertLog4jLevel(Level) - Static method in class
Converts a given log4j to a java.util.logging.Level level.
Counter - Class in
Represents a counter for statistical use.
Counter(long) - Constructor for class
Creates a new counter with the given max. value
Counter() - Constructor for class
Creates a new counter up to Long.MAX.VALUE - 1
create() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.async.Barrier
Creates a new barrier.
create(F) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.ComparableTuple
Creates a new tuple by only specifying the first value of the tuple.
create(F, S) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.ComparableTuple
Creates a new tuple with the given values.
create() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
Creates a new context
create() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.DataCollector
Creates a new DataCollector.
create() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Monoflop
Creates a new monoflop.
create() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Creates a new MultiMap for the specified types which is not thread safe.
create() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.PriorityCollector
Creates a new PriorityCollector.
create() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Trie
Creates a new Trie without forcing you to re-type the generics.
create() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Creates a new tuple with both values set to null
create(F) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Creates a tuple with a given value for first
create(F, S) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Creates a tuple with a givens value for first and second
create(String, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Formatter
Creates a new formatter with the given pattern and language.
create(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Formatter
Creates a new formatter with the given pattern.
createAndStartEnvironment(ClassLoader) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Creates and starts a new setup based on system properties.
createCache(String, ValueComputer<K, V>, ValueVerifier<V>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheManager
Creates a cache with the given name.
createCache(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheManager
Creates a cached with the given name.
created - Variable in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEntry
createDocument(String, String, DocumentType) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLGenerator
Creates a new xml document.
createHandled() - Static method in class
Generates a new Exceptions.ErrorHandler which creates a HandledException without actually logging or processing it.
createInlineCache(Duration, Supplier<E>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheManager
Creates a new InlineCache with the given TTL and computer.
createOrdered() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Creates a new MultiMap for the specified types which is not thread safe but keeps its insertion order.
createSynchronized() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Creates a new MultiMap for the specified types which is thread safe.
createTenSecondsInlineCache(Supplier<E>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheManager
Boilerplate method for CacheManager.createInlineCache(Duration, Supplier) which keeps the computed value for up to 10 seconds.
createTuple() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.ComparableTuple
Creates a new tuple without any values.
createURLFormatter(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Formatter
Creates a new formatter with auto url encoding turned on.
createValueList() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Can be overridden to specify the subclass of List used to store value lists.
CSVReader - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Provides a simple reader which parses given CSV (comma separated values) data into rows.
CSVReader(Reader) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.CSVReader
Creates a new reader which processes the given input.
CSVWriter - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Writes rows of data as CSV (comma separated values) files.
CSVWriter(Writer) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.CSVWriter
Creates a new writer sending data to the given writer.
ctx - Variable in class sirius.kernel.async.BasicTaskContextAdapter
currentTimeMillis() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.TimeProvider


data - Variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
data - Variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.PriorityCollector
DataCollector<T> - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Provides a pull pattern for asking methods to compute or fill a List.
DataCollector() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.DataCollector
DEBUG - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
This debug logger will be logging all messages when Sirius.isDev() is true.
DEBUG_INFO(Object) - Method in class
Used to log the given message msg at INFO level if debug mode is enabled (Sirius.isDev()).
decreasePercent(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Decreases this number by the given amount in percent.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
Contains the name of the default executor.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
Name of the default entry for an extension
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.PriorityCollector
Provides a default constant which can be used if a collector is pre-populated with standard values and then enhanced by sub modules.
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface sirius.kernel.di.std.Priorized
Contains the default priority used by Priorized parts.
defaultExecutor() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
Returns the default executor.
defaultLevel - Variable in class sirius.kernel.Setup
DelayLine - Class in sirius.kernel.async
Permits to delay the execution of a task by a certain amount of seconds.
DelayLine() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.async.DelayLine
delete(File) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Files
If the given file is not null and exists, tries to delete that file and logs when a file cannot be deleted.
delete(Path) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Files
Deletes the given directory structure including all sub directories.
DEPRECATION_LOG - Static variable in class
Used to log warnings if deprecated APIs are called.
detach() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Detaches this CallContext from the current thread
detach() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.async.SubContext
Gets notified if the associated CallContext is detached.
detach() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
detachContext() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Detaches this context from the current thread.
determineExecutor() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.BackgroundLoop
Determines the executor (thread pool) used to execute the actual work.
differentialMetric(String, String, String, double, String) - Method in interface
Provides a differential metric.
divideBy(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Divides this by the given number.
DocCommand - Class in
Provides a simple API documentation by accepting a class name as parameter and listing all methods as result.
DocCommand() - Constructor for class
DockerHelper - Class in sirius.kernel
Initializes Docker Composer if requested by the framework.
DockerHelper() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.DockerHelper
doContinue(char) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.commons.Trie.ContainmentIterator
Tries to continue the current path with the given character.
doNotLogErrors() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Disables the error logging even if no failure handlers are present.
Doubles - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Helper class for working with double numbers.
doWork() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.BackgroundLoop
Executes the actual work.
doWork() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.DelayLine
dropOnOverload(Runnable) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.ExecutionBuilder
Specifies that the given task can be dropped (ignored) in system overload conditions, if at least the given handler is called.
duration - Variable in class sirius.kernel.async.AsyncExecutor
duration(Duration) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Wait
Waits the given amount of time.
duration(boolean) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Watch
Returns the formatted duration.
duration() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Watch
Boilerplate method for calling duration(false)


eat(int) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Cuts and returns the first n given characters of the string representation of this value.
elapsed(TimeUnit, boolean) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Watch
Returns the number of units since the last call to reset or start.
elapsedMillis() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Watch
Returns the number of millis since the last call to reset or start.
Element(AbstractStructuredOutput.ElementType, String) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput.Element
EMPTY - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Represents an empty value which contains null as data.
emptyResource() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLReader
endArray(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
Must be implemented by subclasses to end an array.
endArray() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
endArray() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredOutput
Ends the currently open array.
endArray(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
endDocument() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLReader
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLReader
endObject(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
Must be implemented by subclasses to end an object.
endObject() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
endObject() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredOutput
Ends the currently open object.
endObject(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
endOutput() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
Closes the output and this XML document.
endResult() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
endResult() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredOutput
Finishes (closes) the result
endResult() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
endsWith(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Checks if the string representation of the wrapped value ends with the given string.
entrySet() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
EnvCommand - Class in
Reports all known environment variables.
EnvCommand() - Constructor for class
EPSILON - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.Doubles
Used as maximal epsilon (difference) when comparing numbers.
equalIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Compares the given Strings while treating upper- and lowercase characters as equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
equals(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.ComparableTuple
equals(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
equals(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
equalsIgnoreCase(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Determines if the string representation of the wrapped value is equal to the string representation of the given object.
erroneous - Variable in class sirius.kernel.async.BasicTaskContextAdapter
error(Throwable) - Method in class
Specifies which exception leaded to the error being handled.
ErrorHandler(boolean) - Constructor for class
Use Exceptions.handle() to create an ErrorHandler
estimateLogFilesSize() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Estimates the total size of all log files.
evalAccessPath(String, Object) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Reflection
Evaluates the given access path (dot separated getters) and returns the result.
EveryDay - Interface in sirius.kernel.timer
Parts registered for this interface will be invoked one time per day.
EveryHour - Interface in sirius.kernel.timer
Parts registered for this interface will be invoked every hour.
EveryMinute - Interface in sirius.kernel.timer
Parts registered for this interface will be invoked every minute.
everyNthCall(long) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.RateLimit
Creates a new call based rate limit.
EveryTenMinutes - Interface in sirius.kernel.timer
Parts registered for this interface will be invoked every ten minutes.
EveryTenSeconds - Interface in sirius.kernel.timer
Parts registered for this interface will be invoked every ten seconds.
ExceptionHandler - Interface in
Instances registered for this interface will be notified about every exception handled by Exceptions
Exceptions - Class in
Central point for handling all system errors and exceptions.
Exceptions.ErrorHandler - Class in
Fluent API to create a HandledException based on given parameters The intention is to use a call like: Exceptions.handler() .error(anException) // Sets the exception to handle .to(aLogger) // Sets the logger to use for logging .withNLSKey("nls.key") // Sets the i18n key to create the error message .set("param",value) // Sets a named parameter which occurs in the message .handle(); // logs an creates the HandledException Since none of the methods must be called (except handle() of course), this provides a lot of flexibility and permits to handle several different error situations without having methods with long parameter lists and lots of null values.
Exec - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
A robust wrapper around calls to external programs.
exec(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Exec
Executes the given command and returns a transcript of stderr and stdout
exec(String, boolean) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Exec
Executes the given command and returns a transcript of stderr and stdout.
Exec.ExecException - Exception in sirius.kernel.commons
Thrown if a call to an external program fails
execute(ExecutionBuilder.TaskWrapper) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
execute(Consumer<Values>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.CSVReader
Parses the previously supplied input and calls the given consumer for each row.
execute(Command.Output, String...) - Method in class
execute(Command.Output, String...) - Method in class
execute(Command.Output, String...) - Method in interface
Executes the given command with the given parameters.
execute(Command.Output, String...) - Method in class
execute(Command.Output, String...) - Method in class
execute(Command.Output, String...) - Method in class
execute(Command.Output, String...) - Method in class
execute(Command.Output, String...) - Method in class
execute(Command.Output, String...) - Method in class
execute(Command.Output, String...) - Method in class
execute(Command.Output, String...) - Method in class
execute(Command.Output, String...) - Method in class
execute(Command.Output, String...) - Method in class
execute(Command.Output, String...) - Method in class
executed - Variable in class sirius.kernel.async.AsyncExecutor
ExecutionBuilder - Class in sirius.kernel.async
Builder pattern for forking or starting sub tasks.
ExecutionPoint - Class in sirius.kernel.async
Represents a state of execution, which is kind of an extended stack trace.
executor(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
Returns the executor for the given category.
executors - Variable in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
executorService(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
Exposes the raw executor service for the given category.
Explain - Annotation Type in sirius.kernel.commons
Can be used in conjuncion with SuppressWarnings to provide an explanation.
ExtendedSettings - Class in sirius.kernel.settings
Provides an advanced wrapper for a Config object, which supports to represent inner maps as extensions.
ExtendedSettings(Config) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.settings.ExtendedSettings
Extension - Class in sirius.kernel.settings
Represents an extension loaded via the Settings framework.
Extension(String, String, ConfigObject, ConfigObject) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension


fail(Throwable) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Marks the promise as failed due to the given error.
failChain(Promise<X>, Callback<V>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Forwards failures to the given promise, while sending successful value to the given successHandler.
fastSnapshot() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.async.ExecutionPoint
Generates a new instance of the current thread.
FieldAnnotationProcessor - Interface in sirius.kernel.di
Implementations of this class will be automatically detected and used to wire objects (to handle annotations placed on fields).
fileLogFormat - Variable in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Files - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Helperclass for handling files in Java 8.
fill(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
If this actual number if empty, the given value will be returned.
find(Pattern) - Method in class sirius.kernel.Classpath
Scans the classpath for files which relative path match the given patter
findPart(String, Class<P>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.GlobalContext
Like GlobalContext.getPart(String, Class) this method tried to find the part with the given name, registered for the given lookup class.
FINE(Object) - Method in class
Logs the given message at the FINE level The given object is converted to a string if necessary.
FINE(String, Object...) - Method in class
Formats the given message at the FINE level using the supplied parameters.
first() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
If the underlying data is a Collection this will return the first element wrapped as value.
firstCall() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Monoflop
Reads and then toggles the monoflop.
firstFilled(String...) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Returns the first non empty value of the given array.
firsts(Collection<T>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Extracts all first components of the given collection of tuples and returns them as list.
fix(String, String) - Static method in class
As some module infos rely on a build environment (build server) their value will be the unreplaced version (${property}) in development systems.
flatMap(Function<V, Promise<X>>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Uses to result of this promise to generate a new promise using the given mapper.
flatten(Map.Entry<K, Collection<V>>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Maps an entry which contains a collection as value into a Stream of tuples, containing the key of the entry along with a value of the collection.
flush() - Method in class sirius.kernel.cache.InlineCache
Forces the cache to reset and re-compute its internal value on the next access
fmtr(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Creates a formatted using the pattern supplied by the translation value for the given property.
fmtr(String, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Creates a formatted using the pattern supplied by the translation value for the given property.
fork() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Forks and creates a sub context.
fork(Runnable) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.ExecutionBuilder
Specifies to fork the current CallContext while executing the given task.
fork() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.async.SubContext
Returns an instance which is used in a forked CallContext.
fork() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
fork(String, Supplier<V>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
Forks the given computation and returns a Promise for the computed value.
forkDelayed(String, long, Runnable) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.DelayLine
Queues the given task to be called after roughly the number of seconds given here.
format() - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Formatter
Generates the formatted string.
formatSize(long) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Converts a file or byte size.
Formatter - Class in sirius.kernel.nls
An alternative for MessageFormat which generates strings by replacing named parameters in a given template.
Formatter() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.nls.Formatter
Use the static factory methods create to obtain a new instance.
frac(double) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Doubles
Returns the fractional part of the given value.
Framework - Annotation Type in sirius.kernel.di.std
Can be used to require the presence of a framework when processing class load actions.
frequency(Object, double) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.ExecutionBuilder
Determines the maximal call frequency for tasks scheduled for the given synchronizer.
fromComparableMap(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.ComparableTuple
Converts a map into a list of tuples.
fromMap(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Converts a map into a list of tuples.
Future - Class in sirius.kernel.async
Represents an untyped Promise where the completion or failure is more important than the result itself.
Future() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.async.Future


gather(MetricsCollector) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.DelayLine
gather(MetricsCollector) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Operation.OperationMetrics
gather(MetricsCollector) - Method in interface
Invoked roughly every minute to collect all available metrics.
gather(MetricsCollector) - Method in class
GCCommand - Class in
Console command to invoke the garbage collector.
GCCommand() - Constructor for class
generate(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLGenerator
Returns the generated XML as string using the given encoding.
generate() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLGenerator
Returns the generated XML as string, using UTF-8 as encoding.
generateCode(int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Generates a string of the given length, containing random character.
generateOutput(Command.Output) - Method in class
Generates the output for all recorded micro timings.
generatePassword() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Generates a random password with 7 characters length.
get(Class<C>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Returns or creates the sub context of the given type.
get() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Returns the value of the promise or null if not completed yet.
get() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Provides access to the TaskContext for the current thread.
get(K) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Returns the value associated with the given key.
get(K, ValueComputer<K, V>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Returns the value associated with the given key.
get() - Method in class sirius.kernel.cache.InlineCache
Either returns a cached value or computes a new one, if no valid value is in the cache.
get() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.CachingSupplier
Invokes the given supplier and returns the cached result for every other call.
get(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
get(K) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Returns the value list for the given key.
get(CharSequence) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Trie
Returns the value associated with the given key.
get() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the wrapped object
get(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the internal data or the given defaultValue
get(Class<V>, V) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the wrapped value if it is an instance of the given clazz or the defaultValue otherwise.
get() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.ValueHolder
get(String) - Static method in class
Generates a new logger with the given name The given name should be short and simple.
get(String, String, boolean) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Babelfish
Retrieves the Translation for the given property.
get(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns a translated text for the given property and the currently active language.
get(String, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns a translated text for the given property in the given language.
get(String, int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns one of two or three versions of a translation based on the given numeric for the current language.
get(String, int, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns one of two or three versions of a translation based on the given numeric.
get(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
get(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Settings
Returns the Value defined for the given key.
getActiveConfigurations() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Returns a list of all active customer configurations.
getActiveOperations() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.async.Operation
Returns a list of all currently active operations
getAdapter() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Returns the monitoring adapter which is currently active.
getAllFields(Class<?>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Reflection
Returns all fields defined by this class or one of its superclasses.
getAllKeysBeginningWith(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Trie
Performs a prefix search within this Trie's key set
getAllLoadedClasses() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.di.Injector
Returns a list of all loaded classes.
getAllLoggers() - Static method in class
Returns a list of all known loggers.
getAmount() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Unwraps the internally used BigDecimal.
getAmount() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the Amount for the wrapped value.
getAndClear() - Method in class
Returns the average just like Average.getAvg() but then resets the internal buffers to zero.
getAverageDuration() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.AsyncExecutor
The average duration of a task in milliseconds.
getAvg() - Method in class
Returns the average of the added values.
getAvg() - Method in class
Returns the average duration and number of occurrences of the key.
getAvgPer(TimeUnit) - Method in class
Computes the average raise per given unit of time.
getBasepath(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Files
Returns the basepath of the given path to a file.
getBigDecimal(BigDecimal) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the BigDecimal value for the wrapped value or defaultValue if the wrapped value isn't a BigDecimal and cannot be converted to one.
getBigDecimal() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the BigDecimal value for the wrapped value or null if the wrapped value isn't a BigDecimal and cannot be converted to one.
getBlocked() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.AsyncExecutor
The number of tasks which were executed by blocking the caller due to system overload conditions.
getCaches() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheManager
Returns a list of all known caches
getCategory() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.AsyncExecutor
Returns the category this executor was created for.
getCategory() - Method in class
Returns the category (logger name) which was used to log the exception.
getCategory() - Method in class
Returns the category of the timing
getChildren() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Returns a list of all children of this DOM node.
getClasspath() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Provides access to the classpath used to load the framework.
getComponentRoots() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Classpath
Returns all detected component roots
getConfig(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
getConfig() - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Settings
Provides access to the underlying config object.
getConfig(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Settings
Returns the sub config available for the given key.
getConfigKeyName() - Method in class
getConfigKeyName() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.timer.EveryDay
Returns the name of the config key, which stores the hour of execution.
getConfigs(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Settings
Returns all config objects underneath the given key.
getContentEncoding() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Outcall
Returns the charset used by the server to encode the response.
getContents() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Provides access to the contents of this cache
getContext(long) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Returns the CallContext for the given thread or an empty optional if none is present.
getContext() - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
getContext() - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Settings
Returns all values defined in this extension as Context.
getCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of total values inserted in the average.
getCount() - Method in class
Returns the current value of the counter
getCreated() - Method in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEntry
Returns the timestamp when this entry was created.
getCurrent() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Returns the context for the current thread.
getCurrentIfAvailable() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Returns the context for the current thread.
getCurrentLang() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns the currently active language as two-letter code.
getCurrentType() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
Returns the type of the current element.
getCustomizationName(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Extracts the customization name from a resource.
getDailyTasks() - Method in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
Returns all known daily tasks.
getData() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.DataCollector
Returns the List of values which where added to the collector so far.
getData() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.PriorityCollector
Returns the list of added entities sorted by priority.
getData() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Outcall
Returns the result of the call as String.
getDate() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.AdvancedDateParser.DateSelection
Returns the effective date as string
getDateFormat(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns the date format for the given language.
getDateString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.AdvancedDateParser.DateSelection
Returns the text input which was used to compute the effective date.
getDateTime() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.AdvancedDateParser.DateSelection
Returns the effective date as string
getDateTimeFormat(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns the date and time format (without seconds) for the given language.
getDayOfWeek(int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Converts a given integer (Calendar.Monday...Calendar.Sunday) into textual their representation.
getDayOfWeekShort(int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns a two letter abbreviation of the name of the given day, like "Mo".
getDecimalFormat() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns the format for the current language to format decimal numbers
getDecimalFormat(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns the format for the given language to format decimal numbers
getDecimalFormatSymbols() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.NumberFormat
Returns the utilized format symbols when creating a string representation.
getDecimalFormatSymbols() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns the decimal format symbols for the current language
getDecimalFormatSymbols(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns the decimal format symbols for the given language
getDefault(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.ExtendedSettings
getDefaultLanguage() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns the two-letter code of the default language.
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in interface
Returns a short description of the command.
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in class
getDetails() - Method in class
Returns a detailed description of the version of this module
getDigits() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Returns the number of decimal digits (ignoring decimal places after the decimal separator).
getDropped() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.AsyncExecutor
The number of tasks dropped due to system overload conditions.
getDuration(TimeUnit) - Method in class
Returns the time since the counter was created.
getEntriesStartingWith(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Babelfish
Enumerates all translations which key starts with the given prefix
getEnum(Class<E>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Converts the wrapped value to an enum constant of the given clazz.
getException() - Method in class
Returns the underlying exception.
getExecuted() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.AsyncExecutor
The number of tasks which were executed by this executor
getExecutionInfo() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.BackgroundLoop
Contains the timestamp and duration of the last execution for monitoring purposes.
getExecutors() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
Returns a list of all known executors.
getExtension(String, String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.ExtendedSettings
Returns the Extension for the given id of the given type
getExtensions(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.ExtendedSettings
Returns all extensions available for the given type The order of the extensions can be defined, setting a property named priority.
getFailure() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Returns the failure which was the reason for this promise to have failed.
getFallbackLang() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Returns the current fallback language determined for the current thread.
getFallbackLanguage() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns the two-letter code of the fall back language.
getFile() - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Translation
Returns the name of the file in which the property is defined.
getFileExtension(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Files
Returns the file extension of the given path or filename.
getFilenameAndExtension(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Files
Returns the filename with the file extension of the given path.
getFilenameWithoutExtension(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Files
Returns the filename without its file extension.
getFirst() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Returns the first component of the tuple
getHeaderField(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Outcall
Returns the response header with the given name.
getHitRate() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Returns the cache hit-rate (in percent)
getHitRateHistory() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Returns the statistical values of "hit rate" for the last some eviction intervals.
getHits() - Method in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEntry
Returns the number of "hits" of this entries
getId() - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
Returns the unique ID of this extension
getIfExists(String, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns a translated text for the given property in the given language or null if no translation was found.
getIncidents() - Method in class
Contains all recorded incidents.
getInput() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Outcall
Provides access to the result of the call.
getInput() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLCall
Provides access to the XML answer of the call.
getInt(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Settings
Returns the integer value for the given key.
getInteger() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the int value for the wrapped value or null if the wrapped value isn't an integer and cannot be converted to one.
getInteractionCounter() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Provides access to the interaction counter.
getInterface() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.PartCollection
Returns the class which is used to fetch parts from the GlobalContext
getJob() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Returns the Job component of the System String
getKey() - Method in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEntry
Returns the key associated with this entry
getKey() - Method in class
Returns the key of the timing
getKey() - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Translation
Returns the key for which the translation can be found
getLang() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Returns the current language determined for the current thread.
getLastEvictionRun() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Returns the date of the last eviction run.
getLastHourExecution() - Method in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
Returns the timestamp of the last execution of the one hour timer.
getLastOneMinuteExecution() - Method in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
Returns the timestamp of the last execution of the one minute timer.
getLastReset() - Static method in class
Returns the timestamp of the last reset
getLastTenMinutesExecution() - Method in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
Returns the timestamp of the last execution of the ten minutes timer.
getLastTenSecondsExecution() - Method in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
Returns the timestamp of the last execution of the 10 second timer.
getLoadedResourceBundles() - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Babelfish
Returns a list of all loaded resource bundles.
getLoader() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Classpath
Returns the class loader used to load the classpath
getLoader() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Returns the loader to use for component discovery.
getLocation() - Method in class
Returns an unique string describing the location where the incident occurred.
getLog() - Method in exception sirius.kernel.commons.Exec.ExecException
Provides access to the contents of the programs stdout and stderr.
getLogFileName() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Returns the name of the log file.
getLogFilePath() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Computes the effective name for the log file.
getLogLevel() - Method in class
Contains the log level used for this message.
getLogsDirectory() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Returns the name of the log directory.
getLong() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the long value for the wrapped value or null if the wrapped value isn't a long and cannot be converted to one.
getMachineFormatSymbols() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Creates a new decimal format symbols instance which is independent of the current language or locale and constantly set to use '.' as decimal separator with no grouping separator.
getMap(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Settings
Reads a embedded map.
getMaxItems() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Limit
Returns the max number of items or 0 to indicate that there is no upper limit.
getMaxSize() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Returns the max size of the cache
getMDC() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Returns the current mapped diagnostic context (MDC).
getMDC() - Method in class
Returns the mapped diagnostic context describing the exact situation of the error.
getMDCValue(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Returns the value of the named variable in the mdc.
getMessage() - Method in class
Contains the logged message.
getMessages() - Method in class
Contains all recorded log messages.
getMetrics() - Method in class
Returns a list of all collected metrics so far.
getMilliseconds(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
getMilliseconds(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Settings
Returns the duration in milliseconds defined for the given key.
getMode() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Returns the mode the framework was started in.
getModules() - Static method in class
Returns a list of all modules known to the system
getMonthName(int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns the name of the given month in the current language
getMonthNameShort(int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns a three letter abbreviation of the name of the given month, like "Jan".
getMonthNameShort(int, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns a three letter abbreviation of the name of the given month, like "Jan".
getName() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.BackgroundLoop
Returns the name of the loop.
getName() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.DelayLine
getName() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Returns the name of the cache, which is also used to load the configuration.
getName() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.std.Named
Returns the name of the part.
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of this logger
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the metric.
getName() - Method in class
Returns the name of the module
getName() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput.Element
getName() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Attribute
Returns the name of the attribute.
getNamedParts(Class<P>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.GlobalContext
Returns all parts which are currently registered for the given lookup class and have a name attached.
getNode(String) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredInput
Returns the node denoted by the given xpath expression
getNode() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Returns the underlying W3C Node.
getNode(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredInput
getNodeName() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Returns the name of this computation node.
getNodeName() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Returns the current nodes name.
getNumIncidents() - Method in class
Returns the total number of incidents (exceptions) encountered.
getNumLogMessages() - Method in class
Returns the total number of log messages encountered.
getNumUniqueIncidents() - Method in class
Returns the total number of unique incidents (with different locations) encountered.
getOutcall() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLCall
Returns the underlying Outcall.
getOutput() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Outcall
Provides access to the input of the call.
getOutput() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLCall
Can be used to generate the XML request.
getPart(Class<P>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.GlobalContext
Finds the previously registered part for the given lookup class.
getPart(String, Class<P>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.GlobalContext
Retrieves a part of the requested type with the given unique name.
getPartCollection(Class<P>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.GlobalContext
Returns a PartCollection which contains all parts registered for the given lookup class.
getParts(Class<L>, Class<? extends P>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.GlobalContext
Returns all parts which are currently registered for the given lookup class.
getParts(Class<? extends P>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.GlobalContext
Returns all parts which are currently registered for the given lookup class.
getParts() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.PartCollection
Returns all parts currently registered for the given class.
getPossibilities() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.commons.Trie.ContainmentIterator
Returns a set of all possible continuations for the current state of the iterator
getPriority() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
getPriority() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.std.Priorized
Returns the priority of this element.
getPriority() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Transformer
As multiple adapters for the same pair of types might be present, the priority is used to specify precedence.
getPriority() - Method in class sirius.kernel.DockerHelper
getPriority() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.Killable
getPriority() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.Startable
getPriority() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.Stoppable
getPriority() - Method in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
getProduct() - Static method in class
Returns the name and build infos for the current product
getProperty(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Reads the given system property.
getQualifiedName() - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
Returns the complete "dot separated" name like {@code [extension.path].
getRaw(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
Returns the Value defined for the given key.
getReceiver() - Method in class
Returns the logger used to handle this message.
getRemainingItems() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Limit
Returns the remaining number of items to be processed.
getRoundingMode() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.NumberFormat
Determines the rounding mode if more decimal places are available.
getSampleCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of values used to compute the average.
getScale() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.NumberFormat
Returns the desired number of decimal places.
getScheduledTasks() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
Returns a list containing the name and estimated execution time of all scheduled tasks which are waiting for their execution.
getSecond() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Returns the second component of the tuple
getSettings() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Returns the system config based on the current instance.conf (file system), application.conf (classpath) and all component-XXX.conf wrapped as Settings
getSetup() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Provides access to the setup instance which was used to configure Sirius.
getShortDateFormat(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns the short date format (two digit year like 24.10.14) for the given language.
getSize() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Returns the number of entries in the cache
getSourceClass() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Transformer
Returns the source type for which this factory can perform transformations.
getState() - Method in class
Returns an interpretation of the value (@see MetricState).
getString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the data converted to a string, or null if the wrapped value is null The conversion method used is NLS.toMachineString(Object)
getString(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Settings
Returns the string for the given key.
getStringList(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Settings
getSubSystem() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Returns the Sub-System component of the System String
getSuffix() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.NumberFormat
Returns the suffix appended to a formatted string, like a % sign.
getSupportedLanguages() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns a list of two-letter codes enumerating all supported languages.
getSystem() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Returns the System component of the System String
getSystemLanguage() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns the two-letter code of the system language.
getSystemString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Returns the System String.
getTargetClass() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Transformer
Returns the target type for which this factory can perform transformations.
getTemporal() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.AdvancedDateParser.DateSelection
Returns the effective date as Temporal
getter(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Reflection
Returns the getter method according to the java beans specification for a given property.
getThread() - Method in class
Returns the name of the thread which logged the message.
getTimeFormat(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns the time format (without seconds) for the given language.
getTimeFormatWithSeconds(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns the full time format (with seconds) for the given language.
getTimeParseFormat(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns the time format which is intended to parse time value in the given language.
getTimestamp() - Method in class
Returns the timestamp when this incident was created.
getTimestamp() - Method in class
Returns the timestamp when this message was created.
getTimestampAsString() - Method in class
Returns the timestamp when this incident was created as string.
getTimestampAsString() - Method in class
Returns the timestamp when this message was created as string.
getTimings() - Static method in class
Returns a list of recorded timings.
getTotalItems() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Limit
Returns the total number of items to be processed.
getTranslationEngine() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Provides direct access to the translation engine to supply new properties or inspect current ones.
getTranslations(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Babelfish
Enumerates all translations matching the given filter.
getTrigger() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.ClassLoadAction
Returns the trigger-annotation which is used to identify classes of interest.
getTrigger() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.FieldAnnotationProcessor
Returns the trigger-annotation which is used to identify fields of interest.
getTrigger() - Method in class sirius.kernel.di.std.AutoRegisterAction
getTrigger() - Method in class sirius.kernel.di.std.PartAnnotationProcessor
getTrigger() - Method in class sirius.kernel.di.std.PartsAnnotationProcessor
getTrigger() - Method in class sirius.kernel.di.std.PriorityPartsAnnotationProcessor
getTrigger() - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.ConfigValueAnnotationProcessor
getTtl() - Method in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEntry
Returns the expiry date of this entry
getType() - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
Returns the type name of the extension
getType() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput.Element
getUnderlyingMap() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Provides direct access to the underlying map.
getUniqueVersionString() - Method in class
Creates a string which is unqiue for each released version (based on its commit hash and build number.
getUnit() - Method in class
The unit in which the value is measured
getUptimeInMilliseconds() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Returns the up time of the system in milliseconds.
getUsed() - Method in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEntry
Returns the timestamp of the last access or use of this entry
getUseHistory() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Returns the statistical values of "uses" for the last some eviction intervals.
getUses() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Returns the number of reads since the last eviction
getValue() - Method in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEntry
Provides access to the internally stored value
getValue(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
Provides the value associated with the given key as Value
getValue() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.commons.Trie.ContainmentIterator
Returns the value associated with the key represented by the path traversed so far.
getValue() - Method in class
Returns the actual value of the metric.
getValue() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Attribute
Returns the value of the attribute.
getValueAsString() - Method in class
String representation of the value along with its unit (is necessary)
getWatch() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Returns the Watch representing the execution time.
getWriter() - Method in interface
Provides access to the underlying PrintWriter
GlobalContext - Interface in sirius.kernel.di
Used to access parts managed by the Injector.
goBack() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.commons.Trie.ContainmentIterator
Undoes the latest transition to support backtracking
groupAndCount() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Lambdas
Can be used to group a given stream by identity and count the occurrences of each entity.
groupingBy(Supplier<MultiMap<K, V>>, Function<V, K>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Creates a Collector which can be used to group a stream into a multi map.
groupingByMultiple(Supplier<MultiMap<K, V>>, Function<V, Collection<K>>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Creates a Collector which can be used to group a stream into a multi map.


handle(MutableGlobalContext, Class<?>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.ClassLoadAction
Invoked for each class which contains the trigger-annotation.
handle(MutableGlobalContext, Object, Field) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.FieldAnnotationProcessor
Invoked for each field which contains the trigger-annotation.
handle(MutableGlobalContext, Class<?>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.di.std.AutoRegisterAction
handle(MutableGlobalContext, Object, Field) - Method in class sirius.kernel.di.std.PartAnnotationProcessor
handle(MutableGlobalContext, Object, Field) - Method in class sirius.kernel.di.std.PartsAnnotationProcessor
handle(MutableGlobalContext, Object, Field) - Method in class sirius.kernel.di.std.PriorityPartsAnnotationProcessor
handle(Incident) - Method in interface
Invoked to handle the given exception.
handle() - Method in class
Generates and logs the resulting HandledException.
handle() - Static method in class
Generates a new Exceptions.ErrorHandler which gracefully handles all kinds of errors
handle(Throwable) - Static method in class
Boilerplate method the directly handle the given exception without a special message or logger
handle(Log, Throwable) - Static method in class
Boilerplate method the directly handle the given exception without a special message
handle(Incident) - Method in class
handle(MutableGlobalContext, Object, Field) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.ConfigValueAnnotationProcessor
HandledException - Exception in
An exception which has already been handled (logged and reacted upon) can be represented by HandledException.
HandledException(String) - Constructor for exception
Creates a new instance with the given message and no exception attached
HandledException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Created a new instance with the given message and exception attached
handleErrors(Log) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Adds an error handler, which handles failures by logging them to the given Log By default, if no explicit completion handler is present, all failures are logged using the async logger.
handleLogMessage(LogMessage) - Method in interface
Invoked once a log message is received.
handleLogMessage(LogMessage) - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
hashCode() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.ComparableTuple
hashCode() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
hashCode() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
hasTranslation(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Translation
Determines if a translation for the given language is available
HelpCommand - Class in
Console command which generates a help screen listing all commands.
HelpCommand() - Constructor for class
hits - Variable in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEntry


id - Variable in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
ifFilled(Consumer<Value>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Calls the given consumer with this if the value is filled.
ignore(String...) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns a new Value which will be empty its value equals one of the given ignored values.
ignore(Throwable) - Static method in class
Can be used to mark an exception as ignored.
IGNORED_EXCEPTIONS_LOG - Static variable in class
Used to log exceptions which are normally just discarded.
in(Object...) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Determines if the wrapped value is equal to one of the given objects.
inc() - Method in class
Increments the counter by one
Incident - Class in
Describes a handled exception generated by Exceptions and passed on to ExceptionHandler.
Incident(String, String, List<Tuple<String, String>>, HandledException) - Constructor for class
incidents - Variable in class
increasePercent(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Increases this number by the given amount in percent.
indexOf(int, Collection<?>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the n-th (index-th) element of the given collection.
indexOf(int, Object[]) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the n-th (index-th) element of the given array.
INFO(Object) - Method in class
Logs the given message at INFO level The given object is converted to a string if necessary.
INFO(String, Object...) - Method in class
Formats the given message at the INFO level using the supplied parameters.
init(Classpath) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.di.Injector
Initializes the framework.
init(Classpath) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Babelfish
Initializes the translation engine by using the given classpath.
init(Classpath) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Initializes the engine based on the given classpath
init() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Initializes the Virtual Machine.
Initializable - Interface in sirius.kernel.di
Classes implementing this interface will be invoked, once the Injector is fully initialized (all annotations are processed).
initialize() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Creates a new CallContext for the given thread.
initialize() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.Initializable
Invoked by the injector once the system is completely initialized.
initialize() - Method in class sirius.kernel.DockerHelper
Injector - Class in sirius.kernel.di
Central class for collecting and injecting dependencies (which are called parts).
injectValueFromConfig(Object, Field, String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Settings
Injects the value selected by 'key' out of the given config into the given field of the given target.
InlineCache<E> - Class in sirius.kernel.cache
Caches a single value to prevent frequent re-computation.
InlineCache(Supplier<E>, long) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.cache.InlineCache
Creates a new inline cache based on the given parameters.
instantNow() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.TimeProvider
Wrapper for
into(C) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Lambdas
Used to collect the results of a stream operation into an existing collection.
inverseToggle() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Monoflop
Toggles the monoflop and returns its state before it was toggled.
invoke(T) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.commons.Callback
Invokes the callback with value
is(Class<?>...) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Checks if the value implements one of the given classes.
is(Class<?>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Composable
is(Class<?>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Transformable
Determines if this can be transformed to the given type.
is(Class<N>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Determines if the underlying node is actually an instance of the given class.
isAccessed() - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Translation
Determines whether the translation was already accessed
isActive() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.BasicTaskContextAdapter
isActive() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Determines if the execution of this task is still active.
isActive() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.async.TaskContextAdapter
Determines if the current task is still "active" and processing should continue.
isActiveCustomization(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Determines if the given config is active (or null which is considered active)
isAutocreated() - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Translation
Returns true if the translation was auto created as it was missing in the .properties files.
isCompleted() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Determines if the promise is completed yet.
isCompleted() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.commons.Trie.ContainmentIterator
Determines if the iterator is currently pointing at a valid match.
isCurrentObjectEmpty() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
Determines whether the current element is empty
isCustomizationResource(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Determines if the given resource is part of a customization.
isDefault() - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
Determined if this extension is an artifically created default extension.
isDev() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Determines if the framework is running in development or in production mode.
isEmpty() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Checks if this contains no value.
isEmpty() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
isEmpty(Object) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Checks if the string representation of the given object is "" or null.
isEmpty() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput.Element
isEmpty(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Checks whether a node is not reachable or has empty content via the given XPath.
isEmptyString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Determines if the wrapped value is an empty string.
isEnabled() - Static method in class
Checks whether the timing is enabled.
isEOF() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.CSVReader
isFailed() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Determines if the promise is failed.
isFilled() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Checks if this actual number contains a value or not
isFilled(Object) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Checks if the string representation of the given object is neither "" nor null.
isFilled() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Determines if the wrapped value is not null.
isFilled(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Checks whether a node or non-empty content is reachable via the given XPath.
isFINE() - Method in class
Determines if FINE message will be logged.
isFrameworkEnabled(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Determines if the framework with the given name is enabled.
isGreaterThan(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Determines if this amount is greater than the given one.
isGreaterThanOrEqual(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Determines if this amount is greater than or equal to the given one.
isLessThan(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Determines if this amount is less than the given one.
isLessThanOrEqual(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Determines if this amount is less than or equal to the given one.
isNegative() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Determines if the value is filled and less than 0.00
isNonZero() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Determines if the value is filled and not equal to 0.00.
isNull() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Determines if the wrapped value is null
isNumeric() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Checks if the current value is numeric (integer or double).
isOvertime() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Operation
Determines if the duration of the operation is longer than its timeout
isPositive() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Determines if the value is filled and greater than 0.00
isProd() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Determines if the framework is running in development or in production mode.
isReceiverWouldLog() - Method in class
Returns whether the receiver has logged this message.
isRunning() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
Determines if the application is still running.
isStartedAsTest() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Determines if the framework was started as test run (JUNIT or the like).
isSubclassOf(Class<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Reflection
Determines if the given superclass is the same or a superclass or superinterface of the given classInQuestion.
isSuccessful() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Determines if the promise was successfully completed yet.
isSupportedLanguage(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Determines if the given language code is supported or not.
isToggled() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Monoflop
Reads the internal state without toggling it.
isUseGrouping() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.NumberFormat
Determines if grouping separaters (by thousands) should be placed or not.
isZero() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Determines if the value is filled and equal to 0.00.
isZero(double) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Doubles
Determines if the given number is zero (or very very close to).
isZeroOrNull() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Determines if the value is empty or equal to 0.00
iterateWhileActive(Iterable<T>, Consumer<T>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Utility to iterate through a collection while checking the cancelled flag.
iterator() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Trie
Generates a new iterator for the underlying trie.


join(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Returns a string representation of the given map.
join(Iterable<?>, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Returns a string concatenation of the given lists items.
join(String, String...) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings


key - Variable in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEntry
key - Variable in class
key() - Method in enum sirius.kernel.nls.NLS.CommonKeys
Returns the fully qualified key to retrieve the translation
keySet() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Provides access to the keys stored in this cache
keySet() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
keySet() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Returns the set of known keys.
keySet() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Trie
Retrieves all keys that are stored in this Trie.
Killable - Interface in sirius.kernel
Classes implementing this interface get notified once the framework is being shut down.


Lambdas - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Helper class which provides various methods to work with lambdas.
left(int) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the first N (length) characters of the string representation of the wrapped value.
leftPad(String, String, int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Pads the given string on the left side to the given length using the given padding.
length() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the length of the string representation of the wrapped value.
length() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Values
Returns the number of elements in the underlying data structure
LIFECYCLE_PRIORITY - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
Contains the priority of this lifecycle.
LIFECYCLE_PRIORITY - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
Determines the start and stop order of the timers lifecycle.
Limit - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Helper class to handle result windowing (start+limit) of arbitrary data sets.
Limit(int, Integer) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.Limit
Creates a new Limit based on the given parameters.
limit(Object, int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Limits the length of the given string to the given length.
limit(Object, int, boolean) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Limits the length of the given string to the given length.
line(String) - Method in interface
Shortcut to print the given contents in a single line.
loadApplicationConfig() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Loads the main application configuration which is shipped with the app.
loader - Variable in class sirius.kernel.Setup
loadInstanceConfig() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Loads the instance configuration which configures the app for the machine it is running on.
localDateNow() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.TimeProvider
Wrapper for
localDateTimeNow() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.TimeProvider
Wrapper for
localTimeNow() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.TimeProvider
Wrapper for
log(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.BasicTaskContextAdapter
log(String, Object...) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Writes a log message to the monitor.
log(String) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.async.TaskContextAdapter
Invoked if TaskContext.log(String, Object...) is called in the attached context.
LOG - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
LOG - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheManager
Logged used by the caching system
LOG - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.Classpath
Logger used to log problems when scanning the classpath
LOG - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.Exec
Can be used to log errors and infos when executing external programs.
LOG - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.di.Injector
Logger used by the injection framework.
LOG - Static variable in class
Used as a fallback logger, if no logger was provided.
Log - Class in
The logging facade used by the system.
LOG - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.nls.Babelfish
Logs WARN messages if translations are inconsistent (override each other).
LOG - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
LOG - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
LOG - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
logAsCurrentState(String, Object...) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Logs the given message and sets it as current state.
logDeprecatedMethodUse() - Static method in class
Can be used to log if a deprecated method has been called.
LoggerCommand - Class in
Permits to change the level of a logger at runtime.
LoggerCommand() - Constructor for class
LogMessage - Class in
Contains a log message passed from Log to LogTap.
LogMessage(String, Level, Log, boolean, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new log message based on the given parameters.
LogTap - Interface in
Can be used to "tap" the logging system.
logToConsole - Variable in class sirius.kernel.Setup
logToFile - Variable in class sirius.kernel.Setup
loop() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.BackgroundLoop
Calls BackgroundLoop.executeWork() in the determined executor.


MACHINE_NO_DECIMAL_PLACES - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.NumberFormat
Describes a format which rounds to integer numbers (no decimal places).
MACHINE_TWO_DECIMAL_PLACES - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.NumberFormat
Describes a format which rounds to two decimal places.
main(String[]) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Provides a main method for debugging purposes.
make(S) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Transformer
Generates a new object of the desired target type for the given object to transform.
make(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Transformers
Tries to transform the given object to match the given target type.
make(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
Creates a new instance of the class which is named in classProperty Tries to lookup the value for classProperty, fetches the corresponding class and creates a new instance for it.
makeLang(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Checks if the given language is supproted.
map(Function<V, X>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Used the result of this promise to create a new one by passing the resulting value into the given mapper.
map(Function<Value, R>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns an optional value computed by the given mapper.
map(String, String, int) - Method in class sirius.kernel.DockerHelper
map(String, String, int) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.PortMapper
Maps the given port for the given service.
mapChain(Promise<X>, Function<V, X>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Chains this promise to the given one, by transforming the result value of this promise using the given mapper.
mapPort(String, String, int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.settings.PortMapper
Maps the given port for the given service.
markErroneous() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.BasicTaskContextAdapter
markErroneous() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Signals the monitor that the execution had an error.
markErroneous() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.async.TaskContextAdapter
Invoked if TaskContext.markErroneous() is called in the attached context.
max(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Compares this amount against the given amount and returns the one with the higher value.
maxAge - Variable in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEntry
maxCallFrequency() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.BackgroundLoop
Determines the maximal call frequency of BackgroundLoop.doWork() in Hertz (ticks per second).
maxCallFrequency() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.DelayLine
MD5Command - Class in
Console command which computes an MD5 hash of a given input.
MD5Command() - Constructor for class
MDC_FLOW - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Name of the flow variable in the MDC.
MDC_PARENT - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Name of the parent context in the MDC
MDC_SYSTEM - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
One the system string is changed, it will be updated in the mapped diagnostic context (MDC) using this name.
MemoryBasedHealthMonitor - Class in
Provides a in-memory store for logs and exceptions.
MemoryBasedHealthMonitor() - Constructor for class
merge(MultiMap<K, V>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Merges the given multi map into this one.
messages - Variable in class
Metric - Class in
Represents a measured value, recorded by the metrics framework.
Metric(String, double, MetricState, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new metric using the given values
metric(String, String, double, String) - Method in interface
Provides a metric which state is interpreted using the config values a defined by limitType.
metric(String, double, String, MetricState) - Method in interface
Provides a metric using the given values.
MetricProvider - Interface in
Provides metrics to the metrics system.
Metrics - Class in
Collects and stores metrics for various parts of the system.
Metrics() - Constructor for class
MetricsCollector - Interface in
Used by implementations of MetricProvider to provide metrics to Metrics.
MetricState - Enum in
Represents an interpretation of a measured metric.
Microtiming - Class in
Performance measurement framework which can be used in development as well as in production systems.
Microtiming.Timing - Class in
Simple value class which represents a measured timing.
millis(int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Wait
Waits the given amount of milliseconds.
min(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Compares this amount against the given amount and returns the one with the lower value.
minInterval(Object, Duration) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.ExecutionBuilder
Determines the minimal interval which has to elapse between two consecutive tasks scheduled for the given synchronizer.
MINUS_ONE - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Representation of -1.00
mode - Variable in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Module - Class in
Reports build-time information about a loaded SIRIUS module.
Module(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class
ModulesCommand - Class in
Console command which reports all known modules (Module).
ModulesCommand() - Constructor for class
Monoflop - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Represents a boolean state variable, which can be toggled once from false to true.
MultiMap<K,V> - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Represents a map which contains a collection of elements per key.
MultiMap(Map<K, Collection<V>>) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Used the static factory methods create or createdSynchronized to obtain an instance.
multiplyPercent(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Used to multiply two percentages, like two discounts as if they where applied after each other.
MutableGlobalContext - Interface in sirius.kernel.di
Visible for instances of ClassLoadAction and FieldAnnotationProcessor during the system initialization to make parts visible in the GlobalContext


Named - Interface in sirius.kernel.di.std
Represents a named service.
nanoTime() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.TimeProvider
Wrapper for System.nanoTime().
negate() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Negates this amount and returns the new amount.
nesting - Variable in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
nextRow() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Limit
Notifies the limit, that the next item is being processed and determines if this is part of the result.
nextVerification - Variable in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEntry
NLS - Class in sirius.kernel.nls
Native Language Support used by the framework.
NLS.CommonKeys - Enum in sirius.kernel.nls
Provides access to commonly used keys.
NO_DECIMAL_PLACES - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.NumberFormat
Describes a format which rounds to integer numbers (no decimal places).
NodeHandler - Interface in sirius.kernel.xml
Called by the XMLReader for a parsed sub-DOM tree.
nonNLS(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Marks a string as deliberately not translated.
NOTHING - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Represents an missing number.
notIgnoringWhitespaces() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.CSVReader
Disables the flexible whitespace behaviour.
notIn(Object...) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Determines if the wrapped value isn't equal to any of the given objects.
nTimesPerInterval(long, TimeUnit, int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.RateLimit
Creates a new time based rate limit which permits up to N calls per interval.
nullsafeProperty(String, Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
nullsafeProperty(String, Object) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredOutput
Adds a property to the current object.
NumberFormat - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Used to define the parameters used to create a string representation of a number.
NumberFormat(int, RoundingMode, DecimalFormatSymbols, boolean, String) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.NumberFormat
Creates a new number format used to format amounts.


of(BigDecimal) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Converts the given value into a number.
of(int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Converts the given value into a number.
of(long) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Converts the given value into a number.
of(double) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Converts the given value into a number.
of(Integer) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Converts the given value into a number.
of(Long) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Converts the given value into a number.
of(Double) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Converts the given value into a number.
of(Object) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Creates a new wrapper for the given data.
of(T) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.ValueHolder
Creates a new ValueHolder with the given initial value.
of(List<?>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Values
Creates a wrapper for the given list
of(Object[]) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Values
Creates a wrapper for the given array
of(Node) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Wraps the given W3C node into a structured node.
ofMachineString(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Converts the given string into a number.
ofUserString(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Converts the given string into a number which is formatted according the decimal symbols for the current locale.
onComplete(CompletionHandler<V>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Adds a completion handler to this promise.
ONE - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Representation of 1.00
ONE_HUNDRED - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Representation of 100.00
onFailure(Throwable) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.async.CompletionHandler
Invoked if the promise is fails with the given throwable.
onFailure(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Adds a completion handler to this promise which only handles the failed completion of the promise.
onFailureCallback(Callback<Throwable>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Adds a completion handler to this promise which only handles the failed completion of the promise.
onRemove(Callback<Tuple<K, V>>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Sets the remove callback which is invoked once a value is removed from the cache.
onSuccess(V) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.async.CompletionHandler
Invoked if the promise is successfully completed with the given value.
onSuccess(Runnable) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Future
Adds a completion handler to this promise which only handles the successful completion of the promise.
onSuccess(Consumer<V>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Adds a completion handler to this promise which only handles the successful completion of the promise.
onSuccessCallback(Callback<V>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Adds a completion handler to this promise which only handles the successful completion of the promise.
Operation - Class in sirius.kernel.async
Tracks the execution of a blocking operation.
Operation(Supplier<String>, Duration) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.async.Operation
Creates a new operation.
Operation.OperationMetrics - Class in sirius.kernel.async
Provides metrics of the operation monitoring.
OperationMetrics() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.async.Operation.OperationMetrics
Orchestration - Interface in sirius.kernel.async
Provides a way of intercepting background tasks like BackgroundLoop and EveryDay to synchronize those activities across a cluster.
out - Variable in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
Outcall - Class in sirius.kernel.xml
Used to call an URL and send or receive data.
Outcall(URL) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.xml.Outcall
Creates a new Outcall to the given URL.
outputJVMInfo() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Outputs the name of the underlying JVM to verify that the correct one was used to start the application


parse(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.AdvancedDateParser
Parses the given input and returns a DateSelection as result.
parse(InputStream) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLReader
Parses the given stream.
parse(InputStream, Function<String, InputStream>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLReader
Parses the given stream using the given locator and interrupt signal.
parseMachineString(Class<V>, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Parses the given string by expecting a machine independent format.
parseUserString(Class<V>, String, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Parses the given string by expecting a format as defined by the given language.
parseUserString(Class<V>, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Parses the given string by expecting a format as defined by the current language.
Part - Annotation Type in sirius.kernel.di.std
Inserts the part registered in the GlobalContext.
PartAnnotationProcessor - Class in sirius.kernel.di.std
Handles the Part annotation.
PartAnnotationProcessor() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.di.std.PartAnnotationProcessor
PartCollection<P> - Interface in sirius.kernel.di
Represents a collection, which always contains all registered parts for the given interface (PartCollectionPartCollection.getInterface().
Parts - Annotation Type in sirius.kernel.di.std
Inserts all parts registered in the GlobalContext, either as Collection or as PartCollection.
PartsAnnotationProcessor - Class in sirius.kernel.di.std
Handles the Parts annotation.
PartsAnnotationProcessor() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.di.std.PartsAnnotationProcessor
PERCENT - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.NumberFormat
Describes the default format used to create string representations of percentages.
percentageDifferenceOf(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Returns the increase in percent of this over other.
percentageOf(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Returns the ratio in percent from this to other.
PortMapper - Class in sirius.kernel.settings
Maps a given destination port to the effective port assigned.
PortMapper() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.settings.PortMapper
postData(Context, Charset) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Outcall
Sents the given context as POST to the designated server.
prepend(String, Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns a value which wraps value + separator + this If the current value is empty, the given value is returned (without the separator).
priority - Variable in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
PriorityCollector<T> - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Provides a pull pattern just like DataCollector with an externally supplied order.
PriorityCollector() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.PriorityCollector
PriorityParts - Annotation Type in sirius.kernel.di.std
Inserts all parts registered in the GlobalContext as List.
PriorityPartsAnnotationProcessor - Class in sirius.kernel.di.std
Handles the PriorityParts annotation.
PriorityPartsAnnotationProcessor() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.di.std.PriorityPartsAnnotationProcessor
Priorized - Interface in sirius.kernel.di.std
Marks a class as sortable by its priority.
process(StructuredNode) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.xml.NodeHandler
Invoked once a complete subtree was parsed
processingInstruction(String, String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLReader
Product - Class in
Provides the name and modules of the currently active product.
Promise<V> - Class in sirius.kernel.async
Represents a value which is computed by another task or thread.
Promise() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
property(String, Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
property(String, Object) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredOutput
Adds a property to the current object.
propertyIfFilled(String, Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
Adds a property to the current object.
PROTOCOL_HTTP - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.URLBuilder
Can be used to specify the HTTP protocol in URLBuilder.URLBuilder(String, String).
PROTOCOL_HTTPS - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.URLBuilder
Can be used to specify the HTTPS protocol in URLBuilder.URLBuilder(String, String).
put(K, V) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Stores the given key value mapping in the cache
put(String, Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
put(K, V) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Adds the given value to the list of values kept for the given key.
put(CharSequence, V) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Trie
Associates the given key with the given value.
putAll(Map<? extends String, ?>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
putLimited(String, Object, int) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
Sets the given value (its string representation), mit limits this to limit characters.


queryNode(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Returns a given node at the relative path.
queryNodeList(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Returns a list of nodes at the relative path.
queryString(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Returns the property at the given relative path as string.
queryValue(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Queries a Value by evaluating the given xpath.
queryXMLString(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Queries a string via the given XPath.


randomMillis(int, int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Wait
Waits for an random amount of millisecond within the given bounds.
randomSeconds(double, double) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Wait
Waits for a random amount of seconds within the given bounds.
RateLimit - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Limits calls to specified rate.
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.BOMReader
readAndUnmark() - Method in class
ready() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.BOMReader
redirectJavaLoggerToLog4j() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Redirects all java.logging output to Log4j
reduceCharacters(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Removes all umlauts and other decorated latin characters.
Reflection - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Helper class for generic reflection tasks.
regExReplace(String, String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Replaces the given regular expression pattern with the given replacement in the string representation of the wrapped object
Register - Annotation Type in sirius.kernel.di.std
Marks a given class as "self registering".
registerDynamicPart(String, Object, Class<?>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.GlobalContext
Registers a new part for the given name and lookup classes.
registerPart(Object, Class<?>...) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.MutableGlobalContext
Registers the given part for the given lookup classes.
registerPart(String, Object, Class<?>...) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.MutableGlobalContext
Registers the given part for the given name and lookup classes.
rejectedExecution(Runnable, ThreadPoolExecutor) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.AsyncExecutor
reloadBundle(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Babelfish
remainder(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Returns a Amount whose value is (this % other).
remove(K) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Removes the given item from the cache
remove(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
remove(K, V) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Removes all occurrences of the given value in the value list of the given key.
removeChildren(Path) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Files
Removes all children (files and directories) of the given directory.
removeFromMDC(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Removes the value of the mdc for key.
removeIf(Predicate<CacheEntry<K, V>>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.Cache
Removes all cached values for which the predicate returns true.
replace(String, String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Replaces the given pattern with the given replacement in the string representation of the wrapped object
Replace - Annotation Type in sirius.kernel.di
Classes provided by customizations can be annotated with this to replace classes provided as a standard class.
replaceAll(Pattern, String, Function<String, String>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Replaces all occurrences of the given regular expression by the result of the given replacement function.
replaceEmptyWith(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns a new Value which will wrap the given value, if the current value is empty.
replaceIfEmpty(Supplier<?>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns a new Value which will wrap the value produced by the given supplier, if the current value is empty.
replaceUmlautsToHtml(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Replaces german umlauts to HTML entities as some email clients fail otherwise.
reportMissingTranslations() - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Babelfish
Throws an exception if any unknown translations where encountered so far.
require(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension
Returns the Value defined for the given key or throws a HandledException if no value was found If this extension doesn't provide a value for this key, but there is an extension with the name default which provides a value, this is used.
reset() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.commons.Trie.ContainmentIterator
Restarts the iterator at the beginning of the trie.
reset() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Watch
Resets the watch, so that every duration returned by this instance will be measured from this call on.
reset() - Method in class
Resets the counter to zero
resetWith(char) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.commons.Trie.ContainmentIterator
Restarts the iterator at the beginning and tries to perform the next transition using the given character.
right(int) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns the last N (length) characters of the string representation of the wrapped value.
rightPad(String, String, int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Pads the given string on the right side to the given length using the given padding.
RomanNumeral - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Converts integers to roman numerals.
round(NumberFormat) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Rounds the number according to the given format.
round(int, RoundingMode) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Rounds the number according to the given format.
rundailyTimer(int, EveryDay) - Method in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
Executes the given task if it is scheduled for the given hour.
runEveryDayTimers(int) - Method in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
Executes all daily timers (implementing EveryDay) if applicable, or if outOfASchedule is true.
runOneHourTimers() - Method in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
Executes all one hour timers (implementing EveryHour) now (out of schedule).
runOneMinuteTimers() - Method in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
Executes all one minute timers (implementing EveryMinute) now (out of schedule).
runTenMinuteTimers() - Method in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
Executes all ten minutes timers (implementing EveryTenMinutes) now (out of schedule).
runTenSecondTimers() - Method in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
Executes all one minute timers (implementing EveryTenSeconds) now (out of schedule).
runTimer() - Method in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEvictionTimer
runTimer() - Method in class
runTimer() - Method in class
runTimer() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.timer.TimedTask
Called every time the timer interval is fired.


safeGet(String, String, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns a translated text for the given property or for the given fallback, if no translation for property was found.
safeGet(String, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Returns a translated text for the given property or for the given fallback, if no translation for property was found.
SCALE - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Defines the internal precision used for all computations.
seconds(Collection<T>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Extracts all second components of the given collection of tuples and returns them as list.
seconds(double) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Wait
Waits the given amount of seconds.
separator() - Method in interface
Shortcut to print a line filled with "-------------"
sequence(List<Promise<V>>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
Turns a list of promises into a promise for a list of values.
set(Class<C>, C) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Installs the given sub context.
set(String, Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
Associates the given value to the given key, while returning this to permit fluent method chains
set(K, V) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Sets the given value to the given name.
set(T) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.ValueHolder
Sets the value of this value holder
set(String, Object) - Method in class
Specifies a parameter which is replaced in the generated error message.
set(String, Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Formatter
Adds the replacement value to use for the given property.
set(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Formatter
Sets the whole context as parameters in this formatter.
set(String, Object) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Attribute
Creates a new attribute with the given name and value.
setAdapter(TaskContextAdapter) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Installs the given adapter as monitoring adapter.
setAll(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
Puts all name-value-pairs stored in the given map.
setAuthParams(String, String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Outcall
Sets the HTTP Authorization header.
setAutocreated(boolean) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Translation
Sets the the autocreated flag.
setConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Outcall
Sets a specified timeout value, in milliseconds, to be used when opening a communications link to the resource referenced by this outcall.
setCookie(String, String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Outcall
Sets a HTTP cookie
setCurrent(CallContext) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Sets the CallContext for the current thread.
setDefaultLanguage(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Overrides the default language as defined in the configuration (nls.defaultLanguage).
setDirect(String, String, boolean) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Formatter
Directly sets the given string value for the given property.
setEmpty(boolean) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput.Element
setEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class
Enables/Disables the timing.
setFallbackLang(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Sets the current fallback language for the current thread.
setFile(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Translation
Sets the name of the file in which the property is defined.
setFirst(F) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Sets the first component of the tuple to the given value.
setJob(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Sets the Job component of the System String
setLang(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
Sets the current language for the current thread.
setLevel(String, Level) - Static method in class
Helper method the change the log-level for a given logger.
setMapper(PortMapper) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.settings.PortMapper
Determines which port mapper to use.
setName(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Attribute
Sets the name of the attribute.
setNewParent(StructuredNode) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredInput
Overrides the root node to reset this document to a subtree of the original input
setReadTimeout(int) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Outcall
Sets the read timeout to a specified timeout, in milliseconds.
setRequestProperty(String, String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Outcall
Sets the header of the HTTP call.
setSecond(S) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Sets the second component of the tuple to the given value.
setState(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.BasicTaskContextAdapter
setState(String, Object...) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Sets the new state of the current task.
setState(String) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.async.TaskContextAdapter
Invoked if TaskContext.setState(String, Object...) is called in the attached context.
setSubSystem(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Sets the Sub-System component of the System String
setSystem(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Sets the System component of the System String
setter(Class<?>, String, Class<?>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Reflection
Returns the setter method according to the java beans specification for a given property.
Settings - Class in sirius.kernel.settings
Provides a wrapper around a Config supplied by typesafe config.
Settings(Config) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.settings.Settings
Creates a new wrapper for the given config.
setUnencoded(String, Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Formatter
Adds the replacement value to use for the given property, without url encoding the value.
Setup - Class in sirius.kernel
Used to configure the setup of the SIRIUS framework.
Setup(Setup.Mode, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.Setup
Creates a new setup for the given mode and class loader.
Setup.Mode - Enum in sirius.kernel
Determines the mode in which the framework should run.
setupDNSCache() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Sets the DNS cache to a sane value.
setupEncoding() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Sets UTF-8 as default encoding
setupLogging() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Initializes log4j as logging framework.
setValue(V) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.commons.Trie.ContainmentIterator
Sets the value to be associated with the key represented by the path traversed so far
setValue(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.Attribute
Sets the value of the attribute.
SEVERE(Object) - Method in class
Logs the given message at the SEVERE or ERROR level The given object is converted to a string if necessary.
shorten(String, int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
shortens a string to the given number of chars, cutting of at most half of the string and adding ... if something has been cut of.
shouldContinue() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Limit
Determines if already enough items have been processed or if processing should continue.
shouldLogToConsole() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Determines if a console appender should be installed
shouldLogToFile() - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Determines if a file appender should be installed
shouldRunDailyTask(String) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.async.Orchestration
Determines if a daily task should be executed.
shouldUpdateState() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Can be used to determine if the state should be refreshed.
singleItem() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Limit
Represents a limit which only accepts the first item.
Sirius - Class in sirius.kernel
Loads and initializes the framework.
sirius.kernel - package sirius.kernel
Provides the main setup classes for the SIRIUS kernel.
sirius.kernel.async - package sirius.kernel.async
Provides a framework for asynchronous execution of given tasks.
sirius.kernel.cache - package sirius.kernel.cache
Provides a framework for building and using caches.
sirius.kernel.commons - package sirius.kernel.commons
Provides common classes used by large parts of the framework.
sirius.kernel.di - package sirius.kernel.di
Contains the micro kernel for the discovery based programming framework.
sirius.kernel.di.std - package sirius.kernel.di.std
Contains standard annotations and implementations for ClassLoadAction and FieldAnnotationProcessor to process them.
sirius.kernel.di.transformers - package sirius.kernel.di.transformers
Implements the Adapter Pattern. - package
Provides tools to record the system state and to log and handle exceptions. - package
Commands for the built-in console. - package
Used to record and monitor system metrics. - package
Provides build-time information about the product and its modules.
sirius.kernel.nls - package sirius.kernel.nls
Native language support used by SIRIUS.
sirius.kernel.settings - package sirius.kernel.settings
Provides a wrapper around the typesafe config library.
sirius.kernel.timer - package sirius.kernel.timer
Support for executing tasks in regular intervals.
sirius.kernel.xml - package sirius.kernel.xml
Helper classes to read and write XML.
SIRIUS_TEST_SCENARIO_PROPERTY - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Contains the name of the system property which is used to select which scenario to execute.
size() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
size() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.PriorityCollector
Returns the number of items added to this collector.
size() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Trie
Retrieves the number of keys that are stored in this Trie.
smartFormat() - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Formatter
Generates the formatted string using smart output formatting.
smartRound(double) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Outputs integer numbers without decimals, but fractional numbers with two digits.
snapshot() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.async.ExecutionPoint
Generates a new instance of the current thread.
split(String, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Splits the given string at the first occurrence of the separator.
splitAtLast(String, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Splits the given string at the last occurrence of the separator.
start(Runnable) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.ExecutionBuilder
Specifies to create a new CallContext while executing the given task.
start() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Watch
Creates and starts a new watch.
start(Setup) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Initializes the framework.
Startable - Interface in sirius.kernel
Classes implementing this interface get notified once the framework is started.
startArray(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
Must be implemented by subclasses to start a new array.
startArray(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
started() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
started() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.Startable
Invoked when the framework starts up.
started() - Method in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLReader
startMonitoring(Classpath) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Start the monitoring of resources in development environments.
startObject(String, Attribute...) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
Must be implemented by subclasses to start a new object.
startObject(String, Attribute...) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
startsWith(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Checks if the string representation of the wrapped value starts with the given string.
state - Variable in class sirius.kernel.async.BasicTaskContextAdapter
StatsCommand - Class in
Console command which reports all available system metrics.
StatsCommand() - Constructor for class
stop() - Static method in class sirius.kernel.Sirius
Stops the framework.
Stoppable - Interface in sirius.kernel
Classes implementing this interface get notified once the framework is being shut down.
stopped() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
stopped() - Method in interface sirius.kernel.Stoppable
Invoked when the framework shuts down.
stopped() - Method in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
stream() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Boilerplate method to access all entries of this map as Stream.
Strings - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Provides various helper methods for dealing with Java Strings The Value class provides some additional methods for working with nullable strings like Value.left(int), Value.toLowerCase() etc.
StructuredInput - Interface in sirius.kernel.xml
Represents structured data like XML or JSON which was read from a web service or other source.
StructuredNode - Class in sirius.kernel.xml
Represents a structured node, which is part of a StructuredInput.
StructuredNode(Node) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Wraps the given node
StructuredOutput - Interface in sirius.kernel.xml
Interface for writing structured outputs like XML or JSON.
SubContext - Interface in sirius.kernel.async
Represents a sub context which can be managed by CallContext.
submit(String, String, long) - Static method in class
Submits a new timing for the given key.
submitMicroTiming(String, String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Watch
Submits the value for this watch to the Microtiming framework using the given key
substring(int, int) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns a substring of the string representation of the wrapped value.
subtract(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Subtracts the given number from this, if other is not empty.
success() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Future
Marks this future as successfully completed.
success(V) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Promise
Marks the promise as successful and completed with the given value.
successiveCall() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Monoflop
Reads and then toggles the monoflop.
SystemMetricProvider - Class in
Provides core metrics for the operating system, the Java Virtual Machine and central frameworks.
SystemMetricProvider() - Constructor for class


TagBuilder(String) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput.TagBuilder
Creates a new TabBuilder with the given tag name
TaskContext - Class in sirius.kernel.async
Provides an interface between a running task and a monitoring system.
TaskContext() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Generates a new TaskContext.
TaskContextAdapter - Interface in sirius.kernel.async
Implementations of this interface can be attached to a TaskContext of a thread to perform monitoring and logging.
Tasks - Class in sirius.kernel.async
Static helper for managing and scheduling asynchronous background tasks.
Tasks() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.async.Tasks
TEN - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Representation of 10.00
text(Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
Creates a text node for the current node.
ThreadsCommand - Class in
Console command which reports all running threads.
ThreadsCommand() - Constructor for class
TimedTask - Interface in sirius.kernel.timer
Super-interface for timer intervals.
timeInterval(long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.RateLimit
Creates a new time based rate limit.
TimeProvider - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Wrapper for static time functions which can be injected using a Part annotation.
TimeProvider() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.TimeProvider
TIMER_DAILY_PREFIX - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
Contains the config prefix to load settings for daily tasks from.
TimerCommand - Class in
Console command which reports the last execution of the timer tasks.
TimerCommand() - Constructor for class
Timers - Class in sirius.kernel.timer
Internal service which is responsible for executing timers.
Timers() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.timer.Timers
times(Amount) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Multiplies the given number with this.
Timing(String, String) - Constructor for class
TimingCommand - Class in
Console command which enables/disables the all mighty Micro-Timing framework.
TimingCommand() - Constructor for class
to(Log) - Method in class
Specifies the logger which is used to log the generated exception.
to(URL) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLCall
Creates a new XMLCall for the given url with Content-Type 'text/xml'.
to(URL, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLCall
Creates a new XMLCall for the given url.
toFirstUpper(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Reflection
Converts the first character of a given string to upper case.
toggle() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Monoflop
Toggles the monoflop and returns its state before it was toggled.
toLowerCase() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns an lowercase version of the string representation of the wrapped value.
toMachineString(Object) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Formats the given data in a language independent format.
toMap(Collection<Tuple<K, V>>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Converts a collection of tuples into a map
toMap(Supplier<Map<K, V>>, BinaryOperator<V>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Provides a Collector which can be used to collect a Stream of tuples into a Map.
toMap(Supplier<Map<K, V>>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Provides a Collector which can be used to collect a Stream of tuples into a Map.
toMultiMap(Supplier<MultiMap<K, V>>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Provides a Collector which can be used to collect a Stream of tuples into a MultiMap.
toPercent() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Converts a given decimal fraction into a percent value i.e. 0.34 to 34 %.
toPercentString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Formats the represented value as percentage.
toRoman(int) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.RomanNumeral
Converts the given value to a roman representation
toRomanNumeralString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Tries to convert the wrapped value to a roman numeral representation.
toRoundedString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Formats the represented value by rounding to zero decimal places.
toSaneFileName(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Files
Converts the given string to a valid and sane filename.
toScientificString(int, String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Creates a "scientific" representation of the amount.
toSmartRoundedString(NumberFormat) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Converts the number into a string just like Amount.toString(NumberFormat).
toSpokenDate(Temporal) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Converts dates to a "human" (e.g.
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.AsyncExecutor
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.BackgroundLoop
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.CallContext
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.ExecutionPoint
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.Operation
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEntry
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.AdvancedDateParser.DateSelection
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
toString(NumberFormat) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Converts the number into a string according to the given format.
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.DataCollector
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Limit
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Monoflop
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.PriorityCollector
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.RateLimit
toString(Object) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Returns a string representation of the given object while gracefully handling null values.
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.URLBuilder
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.ValueHolder
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Values
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Watch
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Formatter
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.settings.ConfigBuilder
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
toString() - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredInput
touch(Consumer<T>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Lambdas
Provides an identity function which permits to "touch" the element for which it was called.
toUpperCase() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns an uppercase version of the string representation of the wrapped value.
toUserString(Object) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Formats the given data according to the format rules of the current language
toUserString(Object, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.nls.NLS
Formats the given data according to the format rules of the given language
trace(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.BasicTaskContextAdapter
trace(String, Object...) - Method in class sirius.kernel.async.TaskContext
Writes a debug message to the monitor.
trace(String) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.async.TaskContextAdapter
Invoked if TaskContext.trace(String, Object...) is called in the attached context.
Transformable - Interface in sirius.kernel.di.transformers
A class implementing this interface supports the Adapter Pattern.
Transformer<S,T> - Interface in sirius.kernel.di.transformers
Transforms a Transformable into a given target type.
Transformers - Class in sirius.kernel.di.transformers
Helper class to utilize available Transformer instances to perform conversions.
Transformers() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Transformers
translate() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns a Value containing a translated value using the string representation of the wrapped value as key.
translate(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns a Value containing a translated value using the string representation of the wrapped value as key.
translate(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Translation
Returns the translation for the given language
translated() - Method in enum sirius.kernel.nls.NLS.CommonKeys
Returns the translation for this key in the current language.
translateWithoutFallback(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Translation
Returns the translation for the given language
Translation - Class in sirius.kernel.nls
Describes a translated property.
Translation(String) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.nls.Translation
Creates a new translation, containing all native language values for the given key.
Trie<V> - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
A map like data structure which associates strings (char sequences) to values.
Trie() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.Trie
Trie.ContainmentIterator<V> - Interface in sirius.kernel.commons
Represents an iterator which navigates through the trie character by character.
trim(Object) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Returns a trimmed version of the given object's string representation.
trim() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Value
Returns a trimmed version of the string representation of the wrapped value.
tryAs(Class<A>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Composable
tryAs(Class<A>) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.transformers.Transformable
Tries to transform this into the given adapterType.
tryExecuteBackgroundLoop(String) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.async.Orchestration
Determines if the background loop with the given name should be executed.
Tuple<F,S> - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Represents a tuple of two values with two arbitrary types.
Tuple(F, S) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Creates a tuple with a givens value for first and second Can be used to specify the generic types for F and S.
TWO_DECIMAL_PLACES - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.NumberFormat
Describes a format which rounds to two decimal places.
type - Variable in class sirius.kernel.settings.Extension


UNLIMITED - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.Limit
Represents a limit which has no upper limit and does not skip any items.
unsupportedBiOperation(O, O) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Lambdas
Can be used as lambda for unsupported BiOperations.
URLBuilder - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Used to succesively build URLs.
URLBuilder(String) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.URLBuilder
Creates a new instance pre filled with the given baseURL.
URLBuilder(String, String) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.URLBuilder
Creates a new instance targeting the given host using the given protocol.
urlEncode(String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Strings
Returns an url encoded representation of the given value with UTF-8 as character encoding.
used - Variable in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEntry


valid(V) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.cache.ValueVerifier
Verifies the given value
VALID_EXTENSION_ID - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.settings.ExtendedSettings
Provides a regular expression which verifies if an extension name is well formed.
value - Variable in class sirius.kernel.cache.CacheEntry
Value - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Provides a generic wrapper for a value which is read from an untyped context like HTTP parameters.
ValueComputer<K,V> - Interface in sirius.kernel.cache
Computes a value if it is not found in a cache Can be supplied to CacheManager.createCache(String, ValueComputer, ValueVerifier) when creating a cache to compute values which are not found in the cache.
ValueHolder<T> - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Provides a mutable value holder Can be used to create final variable which can be modified from within an inner class.
ValueHolder(T) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.commons.ValueHolder
Creates a new value holder with the given initial value
valueOf(Map.Entry<K, V>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Tuple
Converts a Map.Entry into a tuple.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum sirius.kernel.nls.NLS.CommonKeys
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum sirius.kernel.Setup.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput.ElementType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Context
values() - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.MultiMap
Returns a list of all values for all keys.
Values - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Wraps an array or list of uncertain size for safe access.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum sirius.kernel.nls.NLS.CommonKeys
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum sirius.kernel.Setup.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput.ElementType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ValueSupplier<K> - Interface in sirius.kernel.commons
Provides a value for the given key just like a Function.
ValueVerifier<V> - Interface in sirius.kernel.cache
Checks if a cached value is still valid Can be supplied to CacheManager.createCache(String, ValueComputer, ValueVerifier) when creating a cache to verify values before returning them to the caller.
visit(Consumer<StructuredNode>, Consumer<Node>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Iterates through the sub-tree and invokes the appropriate handler for each child node.
visitNodes(Consumer<StructuredNode>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Iterates through the sub-tree and invokes the given handler for each child node.
visitTexts(Consumer<Node>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.StructuredNode
Iterates through the sub-tree and invokes the given handler for each text node.


Wait - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Helper class for blocking the current thread for a given amount of time.
walkHierarchy(Class<?>, Callback<Class<?>>) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.commons.Reflection
Calls the given handler for each superclass of the given one.
WARN(Object) - Method in class
Logs the given message at the WARN level The given object is converted to a string if necessary.
WARN(String, Object...) - Method in class
Formats the given message at the WARN level using the supplied parameters.
Watch - Class in sirius.kernel.commons
Provides a mechanism to measure the duration.
wire(T) - Method in interface sirius.kernel.di.GlobalContext
Processes all annotations of the given objects class (or super classes).
withConsoleLogFormat(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Specifies the pattern used to format log messages in the console.
withDefaultLogLevel(Level) - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Used to set the default log level used by the root logger.
withEscape(char) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.CSVReader
Specifies the escape character to use.
withEscape(char) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.CSVWriter
Specifies the escape character to use.
withFileLogFormat(String) - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Specifies the pattern used to format log messages in the log file.
withInputTrimming(boolean) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.CSVWriter
Controls if each added cell value of the type String should be trimmed or not By default this is true.
withLogToConsole(boolean) - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Overwrites the settings for the console appender.
withLogToFile(boolean) - Method in class sirius.kernel.Setup
Overwrites the settings for the file appender.
withNLSKey(String) - Method in class
Specifies the i18n key which is passed to NLS.fmtr(String) to create the internal formatter used to generate the translated error message.
withQuotation(char) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.CSVReader
Specifies the quotation character to use.
withQuotation(char) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.CSVWriter
Specifies the quotation character to use.
withSeparator(char) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.CSVReader
Specifies the separator character to use.
withSeparator(char) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.CSVWriter
Specifies the separator character to use.
withSystemErrorMessage(String, Object...) - Method in class
Sets an untranslated error message, used by rare system errors.
writeArray(Object...) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.CSVWriter
Writes the given array of values as row.
writeList(List<Object>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.commons.CSVWriter
Writes the given list of values as row.
writeProperty(String, Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.AbstractStructuredOutput
Must be implemented by subclasses to generate a property.
writeProperty(String, Object) - Method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
writeTo(Map<String, SortedProperties>) - Method in class sirius.kernel.nls.Translation
Writes all translations into the given map
writeXML(Node, Writer, String) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLGenerator
Writes the given XML document to the given writer.
writeXML(Node, Writer, String, boolean) - Static method in class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLGenerator
Writes the given XML document to the given writer.


XMLCall - Class in sirius.kernel.xml
Simple call to send XML to a server (URL) and receive XML back.
XMLCall() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLCall
XMLGenerator - Class in sirius.kernel.xml
Uses an XMLStructuredOutput with a temporary buffer to generate XML into a String.
XMLGenerator() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLGenerator
Creates a new XMLGenerator which uses an internal buffer to store the XML.
XMLReader - Class in sirius.kernel.xml
A combination of DOM and SAX parser which permits to parse very large XML files while conveniently handling sub tree using a DOM and xpath api.
XMLReader() - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLReader
Creates a new XMLReader.
XMLStructuredInput - Class in sirius.kernel.xml
Represents an XML based input which can be processed using xpath.
XMLStructuredInput(InputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredInput
Creates a new XMLStructuredInput for the given stream.
XMLStructuredOutput - Class in sirius.kernel.xml
Represents a StructuredOutput emitting XML data.
XMLStructuredOutput(OutputStream) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
Creates a new output writing to the given output stream.
XMLStructuredOutput(OutputStream, String) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
Creates a new output writing to the given output stream.
XMLStructuredOutput(OutputStream, Charset, String) - Constructor for class sirius.kernel.xml.XMLStructuredOutput
Creates a new output writing to the given output stream.


ZERO - Static variable in class sirius.kernel.commons.Amount
Representation of 0.00
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